"What does freedom feel like to you?" ft. Mason

"What does freedom feel like to you?" ft. Mason

We've all heard that freedom is a mindset.  So what does freedom feel like to you? 

We recently got to ask Mason this very question. For Mason, it's simply being present in the moment:

I feel the most free when I allow my mind to be clear and content with the present moment.  Given the stresses and worries of everyday life, it's sometimes difficult to feel free with a full mind.  Some things that give my mind the space it needs to clear itself, are moving my body and being with nature.  Having the ability to let go of my worries through activities like hiking and dancing makes me feel the most free.  It helps me keep a positive mindset leaving less room in my mind for stressful things.

Exercise and spending time outdoors have been proven to decrease stress and help us live longer and healthier lives.  It's no wonder many of us also feel the same way.

For me, freedom has always meant being able to pursue the things in life that bring me the most meaning and joy, one of which is creative entrepreneurship.  I've always wanted to create beautiful things that others will cherish.  Although running a small business has many challenges, it's extremely gratifying knowing that I can make a meaningful impact with my creativity and build a community with shared values of kindness and respect for all humans and Mother Nature.

What makes you feel the most free?

x Chrissy

Click here to hear Mason tell her story

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